Video/TV Production for almost 30 years!

Finally…a new camera!!

It’s been several years since I picked up a new camera.  My last one was the Canon 7D, a DSLR that shoots video.  It was all the craze about 3 years ago.  DSLRs gave nice soft, out of focus backgrounds, the cameras were small and the lenses were plentiful.  Along with those benefits were many “problems” that you had to deal with.  There was no audio on the camera, you had to record the sound separately for an interview and sync them up later in editing. Fine lines tended to “bead” or shimmer.  A nasty artifact called aliasing.  If you needed to shoot a brick building or a shingled roof from a distance, look out!  My 7D served me well, but I’ve been looking for another option for a while.  It seemed a new camera was being released every month if not sooner so I waited until I could find one to suit all my needs.

blog-canon-c100-main-back Canon_C100_fullside-670x439

The Canon C100 came out late last year and it fit almost every category of what I was looking for.  It doesn’t shoot 4k resolution, but that is far off before it becomes a standard and everything else is just right on!  I’ve only had it a few days but so far it is the hands down the best camera I have owed.  The low light shooting abilities is simply mind blowing.  It can capture images in such low light that you can barely make things out to the naked eye.  Not only capture them, as many cameras can get you an image, but this one does it without falling into major grain and noise.

We went on a short camping trip this past weekend.  It ended up raining for 3 straight days!  But it did give me a chance to try out the camera and all it’s settings.  I posted the clips in a short video below.  Notice all the interior shots were done with available light!  And the inside of that cabin was very dark.  I’m still learning about the settings but this footage is very promising and I especially love how tack sharp it is when you want it to be.


<p><a href=”″>Let it Rain-A Canon EOS C100 test video</a> from <a href=”″>Paul Frederick</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

2 responses

  1. EdCama

    Paul, Great website, awesome video’s – shooting/editing – it was nice to see Terry and Ben and your cameo was perfect. It is great to see you are busy with work and I enjoyed some of your written narratives regarding the cameras you used. Continued success. All the best – Ed Cama

    September 13, 2014 at 11:55 am

    • Hey Ed!! So great to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. I need to keep up on putting new stuff on here. I try to keep it current, but don’t always get to it. The old saying is true, “The carpenters house is never finished”! If you and the family ever make it up north again, be sure to let us know. Take care-Paul

      September 14, 2014 at 8:19 am

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